International Study Trip


CSA has signed an MOU in 2020 with Birmingham School of Architecture & Design, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK, to collaborate in providing global academic & research opportunities for faculty and students. The potential opportunities would include, but not limited to the following:
  • Study Abroad and Student Exchange Programmes
  • Faculty, Scholar and Staff Exchange Programmes
  • Development of Joint Curriculums
  • Research Collaborations, and Exchange of teaching and academic materials, publications and other information.


Collaborative workshop at University technology Malaysia, talk with the architect of the daing mosque during a visit to the mosque, masa university visit to see plastic free campus, visit to petronas, Mariana bay sands


A group of 12 students and a professor attended the 3 day educational programme in June 2017 comprising lectures and workshops for study and collaborative learning at Stadleschule Architecture Class (SAC) Frankfurt, Germany. After that the team travelled to places of architectural interest and heritage buildings in the region. In this International Studio tour, students were take in places like Castello Forzescco, Fort Parle and Arcodella places, Zurich Lake, Merc-Benz museum Binnacle and Interkken place for walk.


In 2017, our students visited Seoul to attend the ‘World Architects Congress’, an international conference conducted by UIA (International Union of Architects) once in three years. This 7 day event is a forum for professionals from the field of architecture from difference parts of the world and promotes innovation and technology along with exhibits, competitions and student activities. A group of ten students with two of our faculty members took part in the same.
Along with the conference our students visited architecturally significant buildings like the Dongdaemun Design plaza designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and took the Heritage walk around Seoul.


On a eleven day tour to Singapore, our students along with our faculty, attended the 3 day conference at NUS, Singapore on Liveable cities getting an insight to smart cities, technological developments and Singapore’s innovative methods. They also took the platform to present their design ideas and project on urban development of Race course area in Coimbatore. They visited multiple places and buildings of Architectural importance and other architecture firms learning about new developments and professional culture abroad.


A twinning program is a short term exchange program between two partner institutions for mutual benefit by collaboration to facilitate and enhance the creative design experience and provide global exposure to students and teachers. The iSTUDiO twinning program is a unique and innovative effort to combine real time creative skills in the design studio with hands-on workshop exercises. The iSTUDiO comprises design teams in mixed groups of four students from both the partner institutions working to prepare a holistic design scheme within a predetermined time frame. The iSTUDiO also facilitates on-site learning by visits to architectural projects of international repute and local heritage in order to draw inspiration and facilitate learning of design approach and style, materials and construction technologies, and state of the art building systems.